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108 votes

Double applied with a recruiter, recruiter said I was rejected but company contacted me for interview. What should I do?

If you applied on your own before the recruiter submitted, you are just fine. You don't need to inform the recruiter. What the recruiter is really saying, is that the company will not be considering ...
cdkMoose's user avatar
  • 18.2k
52 votes

Applying for jobs when my partner is expecting a child

I would recommend to time your new job start after the end of your planned Elternzeit. For the time that you are not working anyway it shouldn't make too much difference whether you don't work for ...
quarague's user avatar
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52 votes

Should I remove a reference after applying to job?

When you go in, provide an updated list of references. “Here’s my updated list of references!” Done. Of course if you can get a new one to add all the better.
mxyzplk's user avatar
  • 37.3k
30 votes

Applying for jobs when my partner is expecting a child

You are right, for many employers, you would be at a disadvantage mentioning this, since they are looking for a person to do a job at a certain point in time and you will be unavailable at that point. ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 145k
29 votes

Should I remove a reference after applying to job?

You can prepare a revised list of references. During the interview, you don't necessarily need to bring up the negative situation unless asked specifically about that reference. But you can explain ...
n.bennett's user avatar
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20 votes

What to do when you're told that you are both "too qualified" and "under-qualified"?

Sometimes it is better to leave stuff off of a CV When you are young and perhaps not much work experience - you try to add everything you can to your CV to make it sound as impressive as possible. ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
  • 40.2k
17 votes

What to do when you're told that you are both "too qualified" and "under-qualified"?

I have applied to just over 2,500 positions since last October, and have been offered only one interview. That works out at about one every 30 working minutes for 8 months - that's far too many for ...
deep64blue's user avatar
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15 votes

What do I put as my reason to leave?

Write, "to focus on coursework," if you have to write anything at all. All the other details just waste the reviewers' time.
Michael McFarlane's user avatar
14 votes

Is responding negatively to a job rejection email likely to cause me trouble?

I hope that they would see my rejection letter and feel upset and like I wasted their time the way they wasted mine. This isn't happening, pigs will fly, hell will freeze over and dogs will talk all ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
  • 108k
13 votes

Is it ok to provide a CV when a resume is asked for (US)?

A CV and a US resume are the same thing. The most you might have to do is alter the CV to reflect American customs, and some of your wording to reflect American English. Other than that, you're fine.
520 says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
12 votes

Applying to Work for a Competitor in a Small Market

Is it ethical to apply for this job? How can taking a job be unethical? Ethics is defined by our society. Until we live in a non-monetary society, one does a job, and they get reimbursed for the work....
Donald's user avatar
  • 368
12 votes

Is responding negatively to a job rejection email likely to cause me trouble?

Look, they're just trying to be polite. It isn't their fault that you don't meet their needs. I know you're disappointed, but that's life; don't take it out on them, just move on to the next ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 73.1k
12 votes

Can I give a potential employer the LinkedIn address of my previous employer instead of his email address?

The application or background check form may ask for address, email, and phone number. You can only provide what you have. Sometimes the information may be outdated because they moved to another ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
11 votes

Applying for jobs when my partner is expecting a child

Everything you do has potential pitfalls. As a father of six, I do NOTHING that will potentially create stress for my wife or myself, or make major changes during the critical time between birth and ...
Kilisi's user avatar
  • 224k
11 votes

Is the shortened name in e-mail address still considered professional?

Anyone who sees that your email address is "[email protected]" is going to assume that it is formed according to some rules over which you have no control. As long your email address (or ...
A. I. Breveleri's user avatar
9 votes

What to do when you're told that you are both "too qualified" and "under-qualified"?

Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe. But okay, lets take it at face value. It is hard to get the job you want. But getting any job to pay bills is possible, assuming you are a young-ish person ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 145k
9 votes

What to do when you're told that you are both "too qualified" and "under-qualified"?

All the advice given so far is great, but I wanted to answer one point they've not addressed: I have four years of experience conducting research in high energy physics (resulting in two impending ...
Daniel K's user avatar
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8 votes

How do you know if the interview candidate wouldn't betray you?

You're solving the wrong problem. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "come against" or "betray" the company, but taking the charitable interpretation of "misuse the ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
8 votes

How to list involvement in a research project without being dishonest

Thanks for the question and for trying to keep things honest for yourself and for recruiters. Two suggestions: If it contributed to your Masters degree (which sounds like it did), consider listing it ...
A.S's user avatar
  • 10.8k
7 votes

Is responding negatively to a job rejection email likely to cause me trouble?

People get rejected like this a lot in all industries. Also, people do get the generic rejection emails like this a lot. This is how most companies operate. There are many great founders of very ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
7 votes

Is responding negatively to a job rejection email likely to cause me trouble?

Worst case they could read your letter and make a note "never to be hired or interviewed". If you go with your third option there is a tiny chance they'll actually get worried about you ...
Charles E. Grant's user avatar
7 votes

How do you know if the interview candidate wouldn't betray you?

This is what non-disclosure agreements or NDAs are for. And we often do things a little wild. But NDAs do not cover illegal activity, if that's what you are getting at. Otherwise, they should ...
selbie's user avatar
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7 votes

Should I call the company about my application if something urgent has come up?

Yes, you absolutely should call them and up and let them know your situation. When job hunting, companies understand that sometimes circumstances change and that sometimes there are critical decisions ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
  • 40.2k
6 votes

Can I give a potential employer the LinkedIn address of my previous employer instead of his email address?

Exception cases like this happen all the time. As long as you fill out the form to the best of your ability and are not trying to be deceptive, odds are they are not going to care or even notice for ...
Anketam's user avatar
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5 votes

Applying for jobs when my partner is expecting a child

The short answer is, it depends. So I'll give you my thoughts here, but you'll have to use your own judgement to apply it to your specific situation. I'll start with what I'd do. I would just tell ...
AVee's user avatar
  • 211
5 votes

Do disabilities like ADHD help your job prospects?

I'm wondering only if selecting the ADHD box under disability increases or decreases my chances of being hired, all other things being the same. It is used as a signal to indicate that you may need ...
Joe Strazzere's user avatar
5 votes

How often are employers looking for portfolios or code repositories with technical work?

No, they are not. The reason this hasn't changed is that the reasons why it is not a great idea are still valid: Do employers actually hire candidates based off of Github profiles? How clean does the ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 145k
5 votes

(How) Should I tell the company why I declined their offer and accepted another offer?

First a general answer to this question: If I get an offer (or stop applying) at company B: How can I explain it politely without leaving a mark that could be to my disadvantage for the future? ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
5 votes

What to do when you're told that you are both "too qualified" and "under-qualified"?

have applied to just over 2,500 positions since last October, The only way I can see you applying to that many positions since last October, while graduating with honors with a BS in Physics and ...
Questor's user avatar
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4 votes

Why do companies ask for Permanent Address?

In some states, having an employee working in that state (even remotely) means that the company has to register with the state using an "agent" in that state, file unemployment taxes in that ...
David R's user avatar
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