5 votes

For a a cover letter what's an appropriate salutation line for someone I know but have had a disagreement with

You use a greeting that is professional and warm. It will indicate that you have moved on from the disagreement and you don't remember or carry grudges. 'Greetings Dr. Smith' or 'Dear Dr. Smith' or ...
thursdaysgeek's user avatar
4 votes

For a a cover letter what's an appropriate salutation line for someone I know but have had a disagreement with

My go-to is from the old Bloom County comic strip, “Attention Criminal Pervert.” Or you could use a normal greeting and not let whatever beef you have make you behave unprofessionally. Your call.
mxyzplk's user avatar
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1 vote

For a a cover letter what's an appropriate salutation line for someone I know but have had a disagreement with

I am a believer in face-to-face or even voice calls, rather than txt or emails. Since you used to know him, give him a call or if practical, go and visit him. Then apply for the position. There is a ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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