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290 votes

How to handle a developer getting defensive when faced with breaking code?

"Hey, you made this X change to that Y function. This change breaks my code because it's not taking Z in account, and Z is what happens on my side. Is it ok with you to do K to fix it?" You need ...
simbabque's user avatar
  • 5,012
255 votes

As a junior is it unethical to leave after 1 year for remote?

As a junior is it unethical to leave after 1 year for remote? Threatening to leave will not get you anything other than possibly being let go from your company before you have a replacement job. If ...
sf02's user avatar
  • 79.6k
241 votes

When I need to constructively criticize someone's code, what can I do to "soften the blow" and increase the impact at the same time?

There's a couple of things that I've found help a lot with the reception of code reviews: Don't say "you", or variations on it ("your code", etc). You're not ripping apart "his" code or "his" ...
Player One's user avatar
  • 22.9k
204 votes

I get bored when people talk too much in meetings. What should I do?

What do you advice me to do? Grin and bear it. Pay attention in spite of your boredom. Take notes. Not everything can be within your control. Not everything can be exactly the way you'd prefer. ...
Joe Strazzere's user avatar
133 votes

How do I evaluate a candidate for a junior position?

As a slight frame challenge to your question, you need to get some clarity on what the role requires and then ask questions specific to that. In other words, I have the feeling that your real problem ...
dwizum's user avatar
  • 43.6k
130 votes

More junior teammates don’t understand my work...and that’s my fault?

I did a series of talks on what makes code simple and readable. There is no absolute answer. Much depends on the vocabulary the reader brings. Take for example: bool retval; if (x > 0) { retval =...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
128 votes

Should I lower my expectations when interviewing someone if the company struggles to find any candidates?

However, I have no problems working with very junior employees but I know that in the first half year/year they will require a lot of tutoring and may even slow down the projects our team is ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
125 votes

I get bored when people talk too much in meetings. What should I do?

Bring a pad and write, write down anything. It will keep you from looking like a zombie and if the person says something useful, you'll already have pen and paper in hand. I have a hard time ...
Old_Lamplighter's user avatar
110 votes

How do I evaluate a candidate for a junior position?

For a Junior, it's less about what they know, and more about who they are. If they don't know the answer to a technical question, follow up with something like? You said you don't know. How would ...
Old_Lamplighter's user avatar
110 votes

Senior wants me gone, one way or another

Talk to your manager. That's what managers are for. The behavior of a colleague impedes your ability to work effectively. Keep detailed notes. Describe to your manager the behavior and how it impacts ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 125k
108 votes

Junior developer struggles: how to communicate with management?

After two weeks, I can say with confidence that I clearly didn't create value for this company and the other developers that helped me could have done my job instead of spending time with me. You ...
dan.m was user2321368's user avatar
106 votes

How can I state to junior engineers to not work a ticket unless he / she can own the task without demoralizing?

Your assumption seems to be that junior employees can work unsupervised. It is the very essence of juniors that they need seniors to guide them. They cannot work unsupervised. They don't know what ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 145k
105 votes

Can I criticise the more senior developers around me for not writing clean code?

All code should be peer reviewed (but I've worked in a lot of places where that never happened). How clean is clean? There should be coding standards and guidelines; ask for them. As to how "picky" ...
Justin's user avatar
  • 9,085
104 votes

Can I criticise the more senior developers around me for not writing clean code?

A few points in addition to the other answers: Accept that, as a junior, you don't know everything :-)  There may be reasons for the style of code that you are unaware of, such as: Avoiding ...
gidds's user avatar
  • 1,806
99 votes

Candidate talks over me during interview

I've always been a believer in following your "gut" and your gut is telling you that this guy won't be a good fit. You'll probably turn out to be right. If it were me, I'd follow that feeling and tell ...
Chris E's user avatar
  • 43.3k
94 votes

How much should I be doing as the Junior Developer?

Let me restate things a little bit and provide some interpretations: Difficult tasks are being assigned to you. That means people think you can do it. As a junior developer, it seems like you make ...
Theo Tiger's user avatar
92 votes

Junior Developer doing well but management wants to fire him

Unfortunately, it's not your decision. You can either do it or they will find someone for your position who will. Tell him and then write him a letter of recommendation and offer to speak on his ...
Chris E's user avatar
  • 43.3k
86 votes

Is this just impostor syndrome, or am I likely to get fired?

I think it would be extremely rare (e.g. almost never) to let anyone go after 2-4 weeks (for performance related things), and rarer still for that to happen to a junior developer, so take a deep ...
dan.m was user2321368's user avatar
72 votes

I feel ashamed about my old code

You’re ashamed because you’re growing as a software engineer? The more you learn, the worse your old code looks... just comes with the territory. Keep looking forward, that “horrible” code you’re ...
Goose's user avatar
  • 3,350
72 votes

Why do IT companies hire juniors at all?

Is it cheap workforce for mundane tasks? Yes - most companies will have a certain amount of relatively "mundane" tasks, (and by that I mean tasks that don't require the higher levels of ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
  • 108k
67 votes

More junior teammates don’t understand my work...and that’s my fault?

Disclaimer: this answer will be written as if OP's coding style really is as complex as necessary (not over-complicated) and it's really good, efficient code (not something that could be done easier ...
Yuropoor's user avatar
  • 4,642
66 votes

Anxious about daily stand-up meetings

I would treat your standups exactly as they were designed to be, short & to the point; "Yesterday I worked on ticket x, today I will do the same and I have no blockers and I'm open to help ...
Mannie's user avatar
  • 825
65 votes

How much should I be doing as the Junior Developer?

Senior engineers usually have a lot of "off book" work that isn't very visible, even less visible if you are working remotely and can't see the foot traffic to their desk. You see a tiny ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
61 votes

Why hire a junior in a startup?

Cheap. People with experience are expensive, people without experience - less so. Now, sometimes the old adage of 'The cheap option costs more in the long run' can be true, but not always There's no ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
  • 40.2k
55 votes

How to deal with a difficult junior programmer?

You are the technical lead. You have a subordinate that is not only stuck on a problem for a long time without delivering, but actively refuses to accept help. You need a one-to-one where you ...
gnasher729's user avatar
  • 170k
54 votes

Junior Developer doing well but management wants to fire him

Upon request to make it an answer... It sounds like you've already gone to bat for this employee, but management wants him gone for their own reasons. And that really sucks, but you can help mitigate ...
sleddog's user avatar
  • 2,635
49 votes

I get bored when people talk too much in meetings. What should I do?

As Joe mentioned in the comments, smile and deal with it. You are a junior developer. Unless you are the guy organizing the meeting and everyone that is attending the meeting is inferior to you, you ...
Crazy Cucumber's user avatar
49 votes

Senior wants me gone, one way or another

As a precaution, update your resume and start putting out applications. You want to be in a strong position regardless of the outcome. Then: Document every last bit of hostility with an email trail. ...
Old_Lamplighter's user avatar
49 votes

Why hire a junior in a startup?

@TheDemonLord gives some excellent reasons in his answer (cheap being the biggest factor). To add a couple more (slightly cynical) ones: Easy to take advantage of. Juniors will generally not know ...
Gh0stFish's user avatar
  • 20.1k

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