A portfolio collects and showcases a person's experience, skills and accomplishments in his particular field or career. Questions about portfolios typically discuss the value they add to a profile, what should or should not be included in them and when they should be created or provided. Avoid asking too specific advice on your portfolio.

A portfolio collects and showcases a person's experience, skills and accomplishments in his particular field or career. The contents vary depending on the industry (IT, art, journalism, ...) but all serve as a way to "show your work".

Questions about portfolios typically discuss the value they add to a profile, what should or should not be included in them and when they should be created or provided.

Avoid asking questions that are too personalised and therefore useless to others: "should I include unpaid articles in my portfolio?" is a fine question, "Should I include this specific article?" is usually too specific and therefore off-topic.