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343 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

Make a proactive effort to be pleasant and hide irritation and any other related issues. It's your choice to quit smoking, and a laudable one, but don't let it become a crutch or excuse for ...
Kilisi's user avatar
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151 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

Your co-worker suggesting that you resume smoking is a fool. Ignore them. They probably meant it as a joke but to someone trying to improve their health and trying to kick a difficult addiction, it's ...
alroc's user avatar
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135 votes

How can I reduce the recent negative comments regarding my smoking at work?

As pointed by others, the smell is indeed unpleasant. The level of unpleasantness will vary, for example some people with asthma may experience strong discomfort. Anyway, in the interest of good ...
bobflux's user avatar
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120 votes

Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

Is this actually a thing? Can a company really get me in trouble for this? Since you are living and working in the US, yes they can. Chances are, they can fire you for any reason or none at all (...
nvoigt's user avatar
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100 votes

Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

You also were naked at the office slept overnight at the office and possibly made an overly fragrant lunch at the office brought your pet to the office had sex or masturbated at the office The ...
Michael's user avatar
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Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

I am rabidly anti-smoking, but I find their argument, as presented, absurd. To say that your office is a smoke-free workplace and since you are now working from home, your home is the office is ...
Duncan C's user avatar
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Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

Without witnessing the comment, I suspect it was meant as a joke. Don't take it seriously. And as every joke, it probably has a grain of truth. So it's a hint you changed your behavior in a bad way. ...
usr1234567's user avatar
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53 votes

How can I reduce the recent negative comments regarding my smoking at work?

I think you can reduce the comments by reducing the smell. I went to military school and we snuck cigarettes all the time. It wasn't a matter of not offending, it was a matter of not getting in ...
dandavis's user avatar
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32 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

What do I do? You continue the path, it will pass. This isn't the right forum for medical advice on how to deal with the irritability but there are plenty of ways to reduce or eliminate it one way ...
solarflare's user avatar
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30 votes

Boss thinks less of me because I smoke

You can't and you shouldn't. Unless you actually quit, you can only hide it for so long. Intentionally misleading you boss's boss is a bad idea. When (not if) you get found out, you will look even ...
cdkMoose's user avatar
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28 votes

How can I reduce the recent negative comments regarding my smoking at work?

As you noted, the problem is not the time but the smell. Tobacco smoke, and especially cigarette smoke have a strong odor. This is a behavior you are willingly engaging in and can change. This does ...
Old_Lamplighter's user avatar
27 votes

Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

Can a company really get me in trouble for this? Depending on your State and contract yes this could get you in trouble, and they could fire you if the laws apply. Check your local laws and contract ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
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25 votes

Employer hiring only non-smokers

To be perfectly honest, you lied on your entrance interview. It's probably best not to talk to your employer about this. What would you have to win? Just keep your head down, try to make sure that ...
Ben Barden's user avatar
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20 votes

How can I reduce the recent negative comments regarding my smoking at work?

Sadly this comes down to people's personal preference. I'm one of those people who detests the smell of smoke and it makes me feel sick. You can't ask your boss to close his nose, so the only choice ...
Draken's user avatar
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14 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

I agree that the comment was probably meant as a joke, IMO a rather insensitive one. That said, there was probably a grain of truth in it, because you are more irritable at the moment, and they ...
Chris Bradshaw's user avatar
14 votes

Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

I can think of two reasons why they are completely justified in their reprimand: You receive any amount of "home office" materials/technologies/reimbursement: Yes, your computer you work on, your ...
Jay's user avatar
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13 votes

Leaving a bad impression due to smoking

Basic Answer; yes it could count against you. Longer answer; Personally I don't like smokers in my business, and won't hire someone based on that fact alone. That being said, if I gave that ...
TolMera's user avatar
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11 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

This answer may seem obvious, but it's really what you should do if you want them to stop. Tell Them To Stop You don't need to be rude or abrasive about this - and you should make it a point not to ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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10 votes

Office manager smoking in office; how can we make this stop?

First, if you haven't already, I'd suggest you speak to her directly about this issue. Sometimes it's better and more effective than just escalating to the owner or superior. Politely explain to her ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.7k
9 votes

How can I reduce the recent negative comments regarding my smoking at work?

You shouldn't be offended by someone pointing out that people smell bad after coming in from a cigarette. It's true. Honestly it does take a lot of time out of the day and is annoying to co-workers ...
Dirty Dingus McGee's user avatar
8 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

Please ignore your coworker and anyone else who is making remarks. Show your colleagues that their behavior is having no effect on you. If pressed, just say something like "I am not smoking" and "...
Anthony's user avatar
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8 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

Let people know that you're quitting smoking and, while you'll do everything you can to not let it affect you, you appreciate that things are going to be different for people now. You could also (...
Karl Brown's user avatar
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7 votes

Trying to quit smoking but co-workers want me to start again due to me being more irritable

Use it as motivation to stay quit At least if you are the same personality type as I am, there is nothing that is more motivating than doing something out of righteous spite. If someone had told me ...
Stian's user avatar
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6 votes

Boss thinks less of me because I smoke

You're going to find it hard to fool him. It's usually possible to tell if someone smokes by the way they smell. Smokers usually don't notice, but nonsmokers can, and ex-smokers are likely to be ...
David Thornley's user avatar
6 votes

Smoking outside of office on works time

As you already stated, it is ok for the company to control its premises eg. car-park, and whether they allow you "paid breaks". What you do in your break and outside of their premises should be of no ...
Daniel's user avatar
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6 votes

Leaving a bad impression due to smoking

While it is possible that the company will look at you differently, generally speaking it doesn't weigh very heavily compared to things like experience, attitude and fitting with the culture. Most ...
Erik's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I deal with only entrance doubling as a smoking area?

I'm afraid there isn't much you can do apart from petition HR again and again, but unless they believe there is a problem (Can you prove this causes you health issues? Does it impact your work? etc.) ...
Draken's user avatar
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5 votes

Office manager smoking in office; how can we make this stop?

In the UK, according to it is a fine of up to £200 for the smoker, and up to £2,500 for the employer if they don't stop the smoking.
gnasher729's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

Is this actually a thing? Can a company really get me in trouble for this? There may not be a right or wrong answer for this. Or maybe this isn't even written in any rulebook. But we are also ...
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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4 votes

Employer hiring only non-smokers

There are very few reasons why an employer can't fire employees. If you are employed in an at-will state, your employer doesn't even need to provide a reason for firing. That said, smoking is ...
DoubleD's user avatar
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