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meriton's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

How can I push back on my co-worker's changes that I disagree with?

52 votes

How to inform a co-worker about a lacking technical skill without sounding condescending

0 votes

Accurate way to calculate the impact of X hours of meetings a day on an individual's "deep thinking" time available?

0 votes

How to address team member who excessively defers to me and is unwilling to give clear feedback

32 votes

How do I politely coexist with a help vampire?

10 votes

Coworker just went on a loud sexist rant right next to me

5 votes

Tips on what I should do to move up?

19 votes

In software engineering, what exactly is meant by collaborative tone?

1 vote

"team lead" acting as gatekeeper

7 votes

Did I make a mistake in telling team about sensitive / controversial hobby

5 votes

Having strongly negative emotions after interview - am I overreacting?

7 votes

How to deal with teams that deliberately make their negligence hard to document/track?

3 votes

scrum - how should we discuss approach of user stories?

84 votes

As a manager - how to handle a conflict between team members that reached a boiling point

11 votes

How to avoid accusations of “overwork” when employees who work extra hours are promoted faster?

2 votes

How do you keep professional software work sustainable?

11 votes

Got rejected in a coding interview even though I felt I could get to the next round. How can I be consistently successful in coding interviews?

5 votes

Is dodging responsibility the most rational workplace strategy?

7 votes

How do to ship "utility" code that's not really part of the "value add" work

2 votes

I'm elitist: how to avoid being detrimental to my team members and value their contribution?

1 vote

Scrum is causing me stress

1 vote

How to respond to coworker who only gives vague criticism

2 votes

Why are Companies Taking Stances on Unrelated Political Issues such as BLM?

6 votes

Web development burnout

3 votes

I'm struggling. Burnout over years and multiple companies - now come to a head at current company & not their fault - how to finally get ahead of it?

6 votes

Should a CV for a European office of an American company include personal information (picture, age, nationality, etc.)?

1 vote

How can I keep employees motivated?

3 votes

I've done three internships and about to finish university in Software Engineering, but I feel like a fraud. What can I do better?

8 votes

Should I betray my colleagues?

10 votes

Many employees including my manager leave their computer unlocked - how to Enforce good practice?