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simonc's user avatar
simonc's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Glasgow, United Kingdom
224 votes

How do I get our client to care about unit testing instead of just features and bug fixes?

87 votes

What should I do during an interview when it feels like it is going downhill?

68 votes

Confront Manager about Unrealistic Report deadlines

68 votes

Can a restrictive covenant agreement be applied after handing in notice?

59 votes

Hired for too high a level position

53 votes

Moving between employers who don't recruit from each other?

49 votes

How to address team member who excessively defers to me and is unwilling to give clear feedback

37 votes

Coworker posted private chat message in a public group

37 votes

How to handle vile and racist and graphic comments and images in the online suggestion box?

30 votes

Friend refers me to his workplace, then hands in his notice a month after I started. Should I be concerned about how it will reflect on me?

27 votes

Having strongly negative emotions after interview - am I overreacting?

16 votes

Dealing with people that point out mistakes in public

13 votes

Should I mention an exploit during the hiring process that I took advantage of?

13 votes

How do I Help a Team Member Recognize the Relative Importance of Their Project

12 votes

Do I have a case for workplace harassment?

11 votes

Employer wants to increase my notice period - however I feel I am underpaid for this to happen

6 votes

Job hopping to pursue dream

5 votes

Polite way to ask if senior management will screw me over?

5 votes

Could quitting in a bad timing make my current employer not want to give me reference for BG checks in the future?

5 votes

I've accepted another job and handed my notice in but current employer wants me to stay

4 votes

How to best deal with a devious work colleague that is constantly undermining my role?

4 votes

Pay Rise below Inflation while being sold to another Company directly

4 votes

All the other developers left. Can I put my company over a barrel?

4 votes

I gave the wrong notice period, how do I salvage the situation?

3 votes

Frequent job switches before migration to another country

3 votes

Having a different title offer from the actual position

2 votes

Can I ask about the full-time compensation package when receiving an internship offer?

2 votes

Working on unrelated tasks

2 votes

Concern about bonus when putting my notice

2 votes

How can I politely refuse to help colleagues?