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JohnFx's user avatar
JohnFx's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
9 votes

How should I have handled this wardrobe mishap?

49 votes

How do I handle feedback on behavior that my boss is guilty of as well?

9 votes

How can I condense years of dev work recorded on JIRA into a CV/resume?

2 votes

What is the courteous amount of time I should wait before I refer someone to my new company?

5 votes

Your employer approaches you with a raise offer. Is it appropriate to negotiate if you aren't satisfied with the offer?

6 votes

Why the disparity between raises within a company and raises when changing companies?

6 votes

Should I ask a recruiter if I can contact the former employee who left?

15 votes

How to justify job change without being rude?

5 votes

How to work around a top heavy 401k

7 votes

How to remind your boss about vacation time

0 votes

Is it fine to discuss technical issues during the interview?

1 vote

When and how to fire a unproductive engineer?

5 votes

As a hiring manager is there a good way to identify a college as a "diploma mill"?

8 votes

I just found out that I am the lowest paid on my team. How do I negotiate a raise without revealing this knowledge?

2 votes

Hitting a ceiling in my career

4 votes

How should I prepare for an annual performance appraisal?

5 votes

Should I go to an interview I don't intend to accept the job (if offered)?

4 votes

Send “thank you” email after phone interview?

11 votes

What are employers looking for when they ask to see sample code during the hiring process for a programmer?

18 votes

How to convince employees that IM and Facebook during work is unethical?

3 votes

Is 3 months notice reasonable for a Development Manager Role

10 votes

Colleague cursing while another is on the phone

7 votes

How can I force a former employer (and family friend) to pay me without creating too much conflict?

10 votes

Are constant changes to a projects requirements a sufficient reason for terminating a contract?

24 votes

How can I reduce the size of a long resume without hiding all my skills and experience?

2 votes

Should I recommend a friend's brother for a job at the company I work at?

4 votes

Why do companies list jobs on other sites but not on their own site?

0 votes

Should I file my checklists as documentation?

4 votes

What is the purpose of references?

10 votes

How can I monitor my own DoD security clearance?