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Adam Burke's user avatar
Adam Burke
  • Member for 3 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
83 votes

Is it wrong to manage my time in such a way that I don't have to work past 5:00 PM?

67 votes

My boss says he's jealous when I tell him about a work achievement

62 votes

Dealing with "work faster" feedback

49 votes

How do I combat an industry-wide smear campaign?

33 votes

Is it okay if the interviewer make fun of my experience before graduation?

28 votes

How do I let my manager know that I am overwhelmed since a co-worker has been out due to family emergency?

21 votes

Brought on to failing project and might lose job

15 votes

Cultural fit interview went pretty badly. They want me to re-do it for another team, worth it?

12 votes

I am doing tasks not listed in my working contract

11 votes

I am endangering people's lives doing tasks I am not qualified to do

8 votes

Japanese colleague who signed up to work on a technical project but hasn't been responding to email

7 votes

Coworker posted private chat message in a public group

6 votes

How to deal with a boss who is resistant to new technologies and project solutions?

5 votes

How to deal with politically entrenched entities that degrade quality of life?

5 votes

Colleague just won't let things go. It wastes time and affects my morale

5 votes

Is the extreme don't-ask-us-just-google-it mentality safe?

5 votes

What to do when as a lead, you are imposed a team or strategy you do not agree with?

5 votes

Being workplace bullied - would it be a career damaging move if I sought out an increased WFH accommodation?

4 votes

How can I improve an understaffing issue when production manager does not inform management?

4 votes

What are the social expectations when leaving a job in the UK?

3 votes

CTO acts as Individual Contributor (IC), ignoring wider team

3 votes

How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team?

2 votes

How to deal with an incompetent department in a new firm

2 votes

As the Big Boss does not trust the PM or myself and the project may be in jeopardy, how can we improve the situation?

2 votes

Toxic coworker or am I being too sensitive?

2 votes

Coworker has knowledge that I could use but they have problems staying on topic

2 votes

How to prevent sales manager getting involved in operational problems

2 votes

How can I get more feedback to improve my written comms?

2 votes

Communicate the intention to resign

1 vote

Weird Interview Experience