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Philip Kendall's user avatar
Philip Kendall's user avatar
Philip Kendall's user avatar
Philip Kendall
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
713 votes

Top developer doing more home office than allowed

505 votes

Do I have to attend a work Christmas party?

503 votes

Potential employer flew me out for interview, cancels return flight

347 votes

Is it unprofessional to car share?

344 votes

Is my employer allowed to access my office emails without my knowledge/permission?

314 votes

How do I tell my manager that his code review comment is wrong?

280 votes

What to put in "reason" when asking for days off for job interview at another place?

266 votes

I prepared my CV in LaTeX and exported it to PDF. How to deal with a recruiter who insists on CV in Word format?

257 votes

When (if ever) is it considered professional to yell in the workplace?

243 votes

What should I do if I'm not able to complete a take home task for an interview?

238 votes

Retaining ambitious employee with rare skill set

234 votes

Can I avoid informal personal interactions at companies that offer free lunch?

220 votes

How to discipline overeager engineer

201 votes

Young colleague wants to resign; I would like him to stay

200 votes

How should I reply to an email which feels unprofessional after declining a technical interview/test?

177 votes

How should I respond to absurd observations from customers during software product demos?

168 votes

How to respond to a very senior colleague who may have completely misunderstood my email?

163 votes

What can I do if I am asked to learn different programming languages very frequently?

158 votes

How to tell a colleague who always apologizes for noise, that his apologies are more annoying than the noise itself

157 votes

Asked to add someone who got their last manager fired to my team, am I right to be concerned?

148 votes

I am an expert in two fields. Should I make 2 CVs or one?

148 votes

Boss hasn't transferred my salary yet. How to approach the situation?

142 votes

Company requiring me to let them review research from before I was hired

140 votes

How should I politely turn down a task that my doctor has advised me against?

139 votes

Possible repercussions from assault between coworkers outside the office

136 votes

Prospective employer recommends a lower initial salary so that expectations are not too high

136 votes

What do I do when my boss is sabotaging interviews?

133 votes

Wasn't given time to ask questions in interview and now given job offer

132 votes

How to politely state that a software requirement is infeasible?

132 votes

Simple rules for a successful partly remote policy with about 50% office time

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