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IDrinkandIKnowThings's user avatar
IDrinkandIKnowThings's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Springfield, IL, USA
381 votes

How to deal with an "I'm not paid enough to do this task" argument?

194 votes

My boss is leaving the company. Should I tell senior management?

180 votes

How do I go about resigning in a company that doesn't allow two weeks' notice?

158 votes

My employer wants me to a sign an NDA that is backdated more than 2 years

132 votes

Should I explain to other team members why I fired somebody?

74 votes

Would it be inappropriate for me to push back on download privileges on my work PC?

74 votes

What to do if you're asked to break industry regulations?

71 votes

How to return a fake watch "gifted" by a client

65 votes

How can I reduce the size of a long resume without hiding all my skills and experience?

64 votes

How to respond to a low salary offer?

62 votes

Is it a good or bad sign if a potential employer is willing to bend over backwards for an interview?

61 votes

Do I have to relinquish my PC password to my former boss?

61 votes

Tell customer politely that interruptions during meetings will not be allowed

60 votes

Are exclamation marks bad in professional environments?

56 votes

Former manager who left company is asking for documentation I prepared as his direct report

54 votes

Interviewers doubt my freelance work due to no proof as my friend / coworker passed away recently

52 votes

I received a written warning for my performance, how can I save my job?

52 votes

How should I explain that I'm looking for a job because my employer may be shutting down?

50 votes

Confidentiality of Terms: Cannot discuss salary or benefits

42 votes

My new boss was junior to me, what do I do?

40 votes

How can I politely decline a team lunch?

39 votes

Should I avoid using my company cellphone in my new job search?

38 votes

Is it typical that applicants are not notified when their application is rejected?

37 votes

Should I go to a daily stand-up if I did not work that day?

36 votes

How do I decline responsibilities that go beyond what's stated in my job description?

35 votes

HR advised colleague not to notify department he is leaving

32 votes

How can I get feedback on why my resume is not getting me interviews?

31 votes

Informal Chat in Concluding an Interview; is it appropriate to ask about a hobby/interest?

30 votes

How to politely say "I don't want to work for someone from XY country"?

30 votes

How to communicate disagreement or concern about management's decision to promote someone?

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