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Volker Siegel's user avatar
Volker Siegel's user avatar
Volker Siegel
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Berlin, Germany
29 votes

Is a lowball salary then a part-time offer standard Japanese employment negotiations?

15 votes

Is it okay to ask for respect from interviewer?

6 votes

How to tell my possible employer about a technical showstopper in performing a task

6 votes

How should I answer an interview question that I think is too personal?

5 votes

Is it unprofessional to wear shorts to work?

5 votes

Retiring employee is reluctant to share knowledge

5 votes

Coworker keeps telling me where to sit. How can I handle this?

4 votes

How to handle (one's own) old self-harm scars (on the arm), in a work environment?

3 votes

Client wants me to do something explicitly illegal

3 votes

Need to withdraw an application unless their HR changes their rules - how to do so?

3 votes

Resigning a couple of months before an event : is it abusive resignation?

2 votes

How can I teach an IT team member a bit more common sense?

2 votes

(Would be) teammate called me privately to tell me he does not wish to work with me

2 votes

On a student CV is it a good Idea to use a non standard format to draw interest?

2 votes

How do I politely tell my manager I don't want to work under someone

2 votes

Can I use my own application form?

1 vote

Uncomfortable race comments in workplace

1 vote

How can I stop being badgered for "leaving early" without hurting my co-worker relationships?

1 vote

Identifying parties involved with problems

1 vote

Being flown out for an interview, is it ok to ask to stay a while longer to check out the area?

1 vote

Great CEO with horrible management style

1 vote

How to tell CEO they are making a mistake

1 vote

How to discuss potentially dropping a Client I (and others) have a moral objection to

1 vote

How to reclaim personal item I've lent to the office without burning bridges?

0 votes

How to answer questions in survey for job application such as "do I have any bad habits" or "have I ever lied"?

0 votes

How can I communicate better with a co-worker who is not a good listener?

0 votes

Should I disclose about tattoos I have during a job interview?

-1 votes

As a developer; Not getting time to test, receiving extreme deadlines and not being listened to by the manager