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Chan-Ho Suh's user avatar
Chan-Ho Suh
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
183 votes

How do we evaluate a candidate who would not speak to any women during the interview process?

9 votes

How to deal with a senior who is showing signs of lethargy?

8 votes

How to deal with my colleague copying my work?

8 votes

Disrespected by more senior employee

8 votes

Explaining incorrect responses during interviews, should we do it?

6 votes

How to counter questions about expected salary?

5 votes

Would drinking alcohol (when offered) during a meal that is part of an interview be likely to affect the perceptions of the interviewer?

5 votes

Assigned a job I cannot do

4 votes

Are puzzles an effective part of the recruitment process?

4 votes

Is it safe to send old passport copy to Recruiters?

4 votes

Should I convince a recently recruited colleague to use the technical tools everyone else use?

4 votes

Etiquette question about being asked to contribute to a going away present for coworker

4 votes

Can I ask someone why they've started wearing religious clothing?

3 votes

How do I politely relay to my manager to be a bit more proffesional

3 votes

As a highly skilled intern with previous work experience, can I tell my boss I want non-trivial work?

2 votes

Should I ask why a recruiter connected to me on LinkedIn?

2 votes

How can I measure if a bad situation is good learning or wasted time?

2 votes

Should I clarify my facial injury during an interview?

2 votes

How do I convince developers not fight code style enforcement?

2 votes

What's right mindset of a successful candidate?

1 vote

Feel out of depth in my internship