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Marcin Raczkowski's user avatar
Marcin Raczkowski's user avatar
Marcin Raczkowski
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
31 votes

What do I do if I realize I'm incapable of doing my job and will get yelled at by my family for quitting?

31 votes

How common is it in British (European?) tech firms to request a payslip before extending an offer?

28 votes

Is it unethical for me to not tell my employer I’ve automated my job?

6 votes

Should I ask for a raise one month before the end of an internship?

4 votes

Manager is mad that I can no longer work on weekends for family reasons

3 votes

Advice needed: Team needs developers, but company isn't posting jobs

3 votes

Significant pay cut in new job not justified in retrospect - next steps?

3 votes

What software companies offer Linux based laptops?

2 votes

If I am fat and unattractive, is it better to opt for a phone interview over a Skype interview?

2 votes

Colleagues speaking another language and it impacts work

2 votes

Do people actually list the name of the school (within a university) on their resume?

1 vote

How do I give feedback when I know more about the topic than the presenter?

1 vote

Owner keeps cutting corners and poaching workers for his other company

0 votes

Ethics when former colleague applies for position

-1 votes

Asking for a substantial pay raise after I became an essential employee

-1 votes

Breach of confidentiality. How serious is my case? Should I act upon it?