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Joe Stevens's user avatar
Joe Stevens
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
199 votes

Coworker reviewing code too late in process

109 votes

Application form asking for number of sick days

109 votes

Are most applicants really unable to implement FizzBuzz in an interview?

36 votes

Why would a company not allow applicants to ask questions during a job interview?

28 votes

How do I ask a co-worker to turn down the volume on their laptop, when I don't know which co-worker to blame?

17 votes

How do I encourage a more junior employee to work more thoroughly and do the job properly?

12 votes

Employee asking for 2 weeks unpaid leave for travel quarantine

11 votes

Interviewer unaware that I was turned down by recruiter from another department

9 votes

How to answer questions like "What does zero mean to you?"

8 votes

Co-workers constantly underevaluating work

8 votes

How to find English-speaking science jobs in Germany and Netherlands?

7 votes

Germany job offer, potential employer wants to withhold 13th salary if I resign

6 votes

How do disabled individuals evacuate multi-storey buildings in an emergency?

6 votes

Slowed down by code reviews

5 votes

Team member seems to be focusing on everything except core responsibilities

5 votes

Employer updated contract with an increased notice period

5 votes

During the interview process, what are the benefits of a "No Negotiation" policy?

4 votes

I work remotely and use a managed co-working space. The cost of such is tax-deductible for freelancers. What options do permanent contract peole have?

4 votes

My manager is not making me feel welcome as a new team member

4 votes

How real is ageism in High Tech?

3 votes

How to survive as a junior developer in workplace that does not tolerate mistakes?

3 votes

Ambush meeting for silly plan

2 votes

What is the best way to motivate your peers to "go read up about it" vs. explaining them everything at that instant?

2 votes

How to politely suggest a co-worker needs to try to find the answer on their own before coming to me?

2 votes

How to ask for better tasks?

1 vote

Should I discuss amount of sick days with HR?

1 vote

Is reasonable right to privacy interpreted solely by policy, or are there limits within UK Law as to what is permitted?

0 votes

Will mentioning my Team Lead experience increase or decrease my chances to land a Senior Developer job?

0 votes

Current employer is blacklisting me via HR at another company