If you have already decided that quittingIt is the optionhighly unlikely that you wantwill be able to take, then you simply needdrop the extra duties and go back to find your next jobthe way things were a year ago. Because of the experience and move ontraining you now have, you will always be pulled back into that work as long as you work there.
If you’d like to find a way to improve the situation, then you need to quit “hiding in the corner” and be honest with management about the situation. Get together with your team and come up with a solution you would like to propose to management. (A proposed solution is so much better than just complaining about how bad things are.) Put past agreements and understandings aside and candidly explain how things really are, and let them know the things that need to change. Present your proposal as a starting point for discussing how to make it better. Don’t make it about you, but instead make it about the negative impact on the business and operations of the hospital, and to the team, and then explain how your proposal will help make things better.
If management is unresponsive, then you can implement your exit plan with a clear conscience. If they do respond favorably, then it’s a win-win for everyone.