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Feb 4, 2018 at 4:59 comment added L.Arryn Hello @0perator. Thanks for your reply. There is definitely a level of ethics. Like the one time I had a personal emergency and I asked permission to leave the office one hour before the end of my workday, and I was denied and threatened with disciplinary action. Was that ethical? In such an environment perhaps one could understand from my perspective, why ethics are subjective, and exist on a sliding scale.
Feb 2, 2018 at 16:00 comment added 0perator I would say that there is a level of ethics that goes here as well. As for the legality of it - that's for someone else to answer as I'm not a lawyer however someone cannot force your thoughts much like they can't force your methods out of you. Just pay close attention to any contract / agreements you have signed and ensure that you're not bound by that.
Feb 2, 2018 at 15:52 comment added L.Arryn Thank you for the reply. It is the thought processes, what I have done with the data I have gathered, that I feel is valuable. Anyone could arrive at the same conclusions I have with the same level of effort: they would rather not and rather appropriate my methods which led to those conclusions, for themselves. Knowing this, is it OK for me to tell them NO, these are my tools, go build your own if you want the same conclusions ??
Feb 2, 2018 at 15:38 history answered 0perator CC BY-SA 3.0