Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Just tell B "you have not been select"selected". If B asks why then "I felt A would be stronger for this task". If B feels they are as good then no good could come from debating it with them.
Just tell A "you have been selected".
Just tell B "you have not been select". If B asks why then "I felt A would be stronger for this task". If B feels they are as good then no good could come from debating it with them.
Just tell A "you have been selected".
Just tell B "you have not been selected". If B asks why then "I felt A would be stronger for this task". If B feels they are as good then no good could come from debating it with them.
Just tell B "you have not been select". If B asks why then "I felt A would be stronger for this task". If B feels they are as good then no good could come from debating it with them.