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Jul 25, 2018 at 13:17 comment added Chronocidal @AnoE +1 It also lets the company know what the Recruiter are (or aren't) doing - if they start to see the same issues repeatedly with a specific Recruiter then they can adopt a policy of "we will no longer accept referrals from you". When the company I work for were running Interviews (Software Development), we discovered that one of the recruiters was not passing on the message "There will be a short Practical task to undertake during the interview", putting their clients at a disadvantage: one of the interviewees almost had a panic attack!
Jul 24, 2018 at 21:39 comment added AnoE "often times the contract that the hiring companies sign with the recruiting agencies state that if they hire someone within $LIMIT amount of time after the agency submits a resume they owe the fee anyway" yes, but view it this way: as long as OP is completely open, it's up to the company what to do. They were prepared to pay the recruiter in the first place, if they have a contract with them. They will be happy to have OP if he is indeed a good match. The recruiter will be happy to receive his fee without doing any work. A win-win-win is a possibility.
Jul 24, 2018 at 16:14 history answered Petro CC BY-SA 4.0