How to get over job hopping stigma?
Looking at the facts you describe I don't think you will (necessarily) be perceived as a job hopper.
In all five jobs you mentioned you stayed at least 6 months (less than that is more likely to raise some flags).
In four out of five of those (80%) you were laid off for reasons unrelated to your performance, like the company running our of money or cutting a great number of employees.
The only one you actually quit was because you say you were constantly juggled around, meaning that whatever they offered in the beginning or whatever the position they offered you involved did not match the job you signed for (case where you are in all rights to quit).
Now, what I do suggest is to always be prepared to explain the circumstances and reasons why you left any of your previous jobs, for when/if someone asks you during an interview, so you can explain yourself.
When you do stick to the facts and avoid bad-mouthing your former employers.
Finally, remember that a resume should be tailored to the job you are applying to. This means that you should include things that are relevant for the position you seek, and avoid including details that may be less related to the job.
In other words, if some former job of these you describe is not related with the job you seek now, then including it in your resume will hardly have any benefits.
Regardless if you decide to include it or not, always be prepared to explain yourself in case any former job you didn't mentioned comes up during an interview/BG check.