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Is sharing slack screenshots of Slack conversations a bad thing to do?

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Today I had a frustrating conversation with a colleague from another team that went back and forth. Nothing very serious, but just disagreements. After the conversation was over I just needed to talk about it with my direct manager and since my day 1 in the company he has been adamant that I should trust him and I should not accumulate frustrations to myself and he's there to alleviate the problems for me.

We didn't go on a video call as I wanted to avoid wastewasting more time on the matter and explainexplaining the entire thing to him. So I just sent the screenshot of my conversation with this other colleague to him so he could judge and understand what I was talking about.

Now, a few hours later somehow I'm wondering if that was a good idea and if it's even ethical/professional to do so. Obviously the conversation was just about work matters and there was nothing personal or compromising for the other colleague, but I just have this feeling that if I was in the colleague'scolleagues place and someone approached me and say " so"so, Bob showed me what you guys discusseddiscussion about " I'd probably feel weird about it and decide that the person is not to be trusted and I have to be careful on what I write to him and it doeswould make me feel bad.

My only intention at the moment was to save time for me and my manager and I. My manager didn't say anything about the screenshot action itself and just went on to discuss about us solving the problem, but I'm wondering if now he sees me differently.

Am I overreacting or it is indeed something not to be done at the work place?

Today I had a frustrating conversation with a colleague from another team that went back and forth. Nothing very serious, but just disagreements. After conversation was over I just needed to talk about it with my direct manager and since my day 1 in the company he has been adamant that I should trust him and I should not accumulate frustrations to myself and he's there to alleviate the problems for me.

We didn't go on a video call as I wanted to avoid waste more time on the matter and explain the entire thing to him. So I just sent the screenshot of my conversation with this other colleague to him so he could judge and understand what I was talking about.

Now, a few hours later somehow I'm wondering if that was a good idea and if it's even ethical/professional to do so. Obviously the conversation was just about work matters and there was nothing personal or compromising for the other colleague, but I just have this feeling that if I was in the colleague's place and someone approached me and say " so, Bob showed me what you guys discussed about " I'd probably feel weird about it and that the person is not to be trusted and I have to be careful on what I write to him and it does make me feel bad.

My only intention at the moment was to save time for me and my manager. My manager didn't say anything about the screenshot action itself and just went on to discuss about us solving the problem, but I'm wondering if now he sees me differently.

Am I overreacting or it is indeed something not to be done at work place?

Today I had a frustrating conversation with a colleague from another team that went back and forth. Nothing very serious, but just disagreements. After the conversation was over I just needed to talk about it with my direct manager and since my day 1 in the company he has been adamant that I should trust him and I should not accumulate frustrations to myself and he's there to alleviate the problems for me.

We didn't go on a video call as I wanted to avoid wasting more time on the matter and explaining the entire thing to him. So I just sent the screenshot of my conversation with this other colleague to him so he could judge and understand what I was talking about.

Now, a few hours later somehow I'm wondering if that was a good idea and if it's even ethical/professional to do so. Obviously the conversation was just about work matters and there was nothing personal or compromising for the other colleague, but I just have this feeling that if I was in the colleagues place and someone approached me and say "so, Bob showed me what you guys discussion about " I'd probably feel weird about it and decide that the person is not to be trusted and I have to be careful what I write to him and it would make me feel bad.

My only intention at the moment was to save time for my manager and I. My manager didn't say anything about the screenshot action itself and just went on to discuss about us solving the problem, but I'm wondering if now he sees me differently.

Am I overreacting or it is indeed something not to be done at the work place?

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Hugo Howarts
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Is sharing slack screenshots conversations a bad thing to do?

Today I had a frustrating conversation with a colleague from another team that went back and forth. Nothing very serious, but just disagreements. After conversation was over I just needed to talk about it with my direct manager and since my day 1 in the company he has been adamant that I should trust him and I should not accumulate frustrations to myself and he's there to alleviate the problems for me.

We didn't go on a video call as I wanted to avoid waste more time on the matter and explain the entire thing to him. So I just sent the screenshot of my conversation with this other colleague to him so he could judge and understand what I was talking about.

Now, a few hours later somehow I'm wondering if that was a good idea and if it's even ethical/professional to do so. Obviously the conversation was just about work matters and there was nothing personal or compromising for the other colleague, but I just have this feeling that if I was in the colleague's place and someone approached me and say " so, Bob showed me what you guys discussed about " I'd probably feel weird about it and that the person is not to be trusted and I have to be careful on what I write to him and it does make me feel bad.

My only intention at the moment was to save time for me and my manager. My manager didn't say anything about the screenshot action itself and just went on to discuss about us solving the problem, but I'm wondering if now he sees me differently.

Am I overreacting or it is indeed something not to be done at work place?