I would ask what the reason for termination is - as that has the potential to change the adviseadvice given.
As an example - if the reason was say illegal activity at work or activity that could result in a lawsuit (Sexual Harassment as an example) then I'd say kick them out the door, bite the bullet and accept this as the learning experience that it is.
If the reason for termination is less... Imminent... e.g. it's been a long slow process, maybe a PIP was involved and there's been X number of written warnings etc. then perhaps here is what I would try (depends on the Employee though and what motivates them):
- Sit down with them.
- Let them know that you want to discuss their 'voluntary' exit from the company.
- Tell them that you are giving them this advance notice, so that they have ample time to find alternate employment
- You'd be happy to provide a good reference
- As a condition of this advance notice, you would like them to help document their roles/responsibilities as part of the exit.
- Also as a condition of this, here is the lump sum exit bonus that you are willing to pay (suggest 1-3 months salary) on the condition that they leave amicably so that they are financially motivated to leave on good teamsterms.
Now - it's still a big risk - but consider this: What is the cost of 3 months' worth of Salary vs:
- a Lawsuit
- a Data loss/security incident
- hiring contractors/consultants to reverse engineer your environment
This is very 'Carrot' rather than 'Stick' - and does have a number of risks associated with it - that is they take the money but fail to honor their end of the bargain - I would suggest a contract be drawn up for that.