Before asking my question I searched this site and came across these two (1,2) pages that are similar to my problem, but also slightly different. It's not the misspelling of a word or stating the incorrect company name.
I'm currently job searching and applying to many jobs that have similar responsibilities, so I constructed a personal cover letter template with the following line:
I'm interested in applying for insert job title here.
I copied the job title and pasted it into my template, but I noticed this mistake:
I'm interested in applying for insert Data Entry Coordinator.
after I sent in my cover letter.
I've read other sites and here, that cover letters rarely get read and mistakes such as typos will get ignored unless it's for a writing position, my problem is, there is some indication that the cover letter will be read, because the job posting indicated I'm supposed provide my salary expectations.
Question: Should I just move on and expect my resume/cover letter will be ignored?
I saved my template in a text file so there was no special formatting or font color to indicate that line should be adjusted. I've corrected the problem by saving the template in another format, with red font, and yellow highlighting, so I'm more aware of what text has to be changed.
Edit: My problem doesn't "dramatically change perception". If anything, the above two links provided have more in common with my question, but as stated it's slightly different.