Background: I was hired to support and manage the rollout of a new M$ Surface fleet (200 of them). This includes provisioning, training and support for troubled users of the tablets and the mobility application.
Issue: I'm down to my last 10 tablets to provision (finished by the end of this week) but the support calls I'm getting total about 4 hours a week. They have me on a casual contract for 18 hours a week - I have nothing to do and they don't want to start new projects (of which there are few) until the rollout is done. For the next 2 weeks the developer of the app is in the office supporting the users as well, exacerbating the problem.
My Feelings: I could adequately service this company via telecommute (eliminating 6+ hours of travel for me a week) for their support calls. I have a 'portfolio' of things I've achieved whilst here which include automating processes and installations. I also deployed a ticketing system early on in the piece.
Question: How do I approach the CEO (my reportable) and business owner asking for telecommute? Be proactive or wait for the work to dwindle and (I fear) them to let me go? There phone system is IP VOiP and I have faster connections at home and an unlimited mobile phone plan. I would ideally like to get a system where I journal my weekly support calls and charge them for the hourly rate I'm currently paid - a guaranteed pay of 2 hours weekly to ensure I make myself available at ALL times would also be nice.
Any input is appreciated.
Thanks, D