I work in the UK and I have a fairly normal "British" name. Having worked in my company for three years with my name plastered all around my desk, my person and my email, some senior colleagues still don't get my name right. This has led to serious problems when, for example, a group email gets sent around with actions for "Jill Bloggs" when my name is actually "Jane Doe", or worse, for "JB".
Mostly I just shrug it off and ignore it, maybe quietly changing my name to be the correct one where I can, however the most recent occurrance has led to a client being upset that (as far as they could see) a different resource was working for them than had been promised.
How should I gently remind people what my name is? When should I do it; immediately or quietly at a later date? I don't get much face to face contact with the majority of my colleagues so it's difficult to physically pull them aside.