I have a serious problem with a colleague. I am 26 and I recently joined a company where the average is 45. I am the youngest there, and I have a problem with an older colleague who is 47 and he is really arrogant and bully and is working there for 20 years.
I am a kind and quiet person and he started to target me all the time. When I sit before my computer he passes by sometimes, and when my boss is there he says "Hey are you working or looking at the screen?" or "Hey close the shopping site" (and I am not looking at any shopping site) then I try to counterattack but nothing works out. Or sometimes he comes next to my screen "Hey what are you writing there? It is wrong. Seriously, How did you get this job?" then I start to explain that it is not like what he thinks but he always makes me look ridiculous in front of my boss (that I am afraid will not like me anymore at the end). He has a really strong personality.
I recently joined this company, before I was really appreciated and successfully in another one, where people were of my age.
I am really frustrated and he is always sure to spoil my day, I am back home exhausted and think about changing my job.
How can I deal with this? How can I be superior?