I'm a part time IT Assistant at my company; Well that's my official title anyway, as I mostly fell in to the role of Web Developer/Web Master. My supervisors recently asked me to post a few job listings on our website, one of which was a full time marketing/web developer. My company is not huge, only about 50 employees in the office, so it wouldn't be necessary to hire an additional developer or "web guy" in my opinion. The position doesn't require any specific programming experience but it does say in the responsibilities/experience section a few alarming things: performing routine site maintenance, and a solid understanding of website development processes.
Is it okay to ask my supervisor about this in fear of being replaced? I am not being overworked at all, so would it also be bad to ask to take on the extra roles that they listed in the job description and remove the job listing entirely? I only work 24 hours a week currently and was actually going to ask to for few more before they had me post this, now I'm not sure they'll accept since they're looking for a full-timer anyway.