Yesterday I found out that my office is doing a job for a project that I think is against my personal morals. It is nothing illegal or shady, but related to animal freedoms/factory farming. I was surprised that the boss took the job because in the past they said no to a project for 'humanitarian reasons' and generally feel our idea of moral/immoral are fairly even.
I directly asked my boss why we are taking the job, and the boss responded with, it's not as bad as 'xyz'. So I said that just because something is better, doesn't make it ok. Boss proceeded to roll eyes at me.
I discussed it with another employee and they said that as long as it is legal and in theory/commonly acceptable then it is perfectly ok to take the job. I disagree. Just because it is legally 'ok' to do something, doesn't mean you should do it.
Obviously they aren't going to turn down the job because one employee takes aversion to it. I am finding it quite distressing as it is fresh in my mind and I am surprised at the difference in our morals.
At this point I think the best I can do is refuse to participate and/or decline to work on this project if it falls on my desk. Last night I did some research with a view to presenting some information to try to persuade my boss to turn down the job. I decided against this as it is obvious that we have already agreed to the job and may be breaching a contract if we turn it down now.
Am I risking my job by taking a stance like this? If I refuse to work on it and state moral conflict as the reason, am I damaging my reputation?
I have never faced a situation like this with an authority figure/employer so I do not know how to deal with it.