So just this week at my current job, I was given a request to file for top secret/sci security clearance. I have gone through the process before, and successfully acquired my secret clearance last year. I have a few issues with this request though.
I don't plan on staying at this job longer than May of next year. I have been dead set on moving away from my current living situation and trying something new next summer, and this job isn't in the plans (I don't particularly enjoy this job, but it pays the bills). I even considered making earlier, when things get particularly rough. I know this is an expensive process and I genuinely feel bad about putting anyone through it when I have no plans to stay in this company long term.
I wasn't talked to about this, they just sent the request and said I have 4 days to file the papers. It has been mentioned in passing about a year ago, but no conversation was ever made beyond that. Also, TS is not required for my position, but is a good plus.
I have some serious ethical concerns about polygraphs, and I am not comfortable with the concept of it. I won't get into my thoughts on it, but my feelings towards them are a big no-can-do. Im anxious just thinking about them.
When I signed on, I agreed that I was eligible to obtain Secret clearance. So this was quite the surprise to me, considering my project lead and supervisor do not have any clearance higher than secret. I figure I probably have two options here - suck it up and let it run its course and just leave when I'm ready, or talk to my manager and be honest about my plans, regardless of the consequences.
How can I politely decline my manager's request to obtain this clearance?