When I was recruiting, I spoke with candidates when the candidates felt comfortable speaking. The fact that this recruiter, who contacted you about the position, is taking this attitude, is absurd. Is this an internal recruiter? If so, then the message he/she is sending about the company is one of excessive and pedantic control.
If it's an independent recruiter? "You know, you're right. You won't be able to help me. Please don't contact me again."
Now, if the client company and the hiring managers want to do a formal face to face interview... - of course, during work hours. Phone interviews with the company can go either way. I had hiring managers call and talk to candidates even pretty late in the evening, or very early, before work hours. The purpose is to get a desired candidate started in the process. Since companies value, like gold, people who are currently employed, they are often sensitive to not leaving obvious cues with a potential candidate's current employer, because, again, they want to encourage employed candidates to get into their process and consider their position.
There are plenty of other recruiters out there. Better ones (again, if not a company's internal person), if you do want to look around. Some of them might even be working to fill this same position.