Sounds like it is time for "Reverse Delegation"
Management made a decision to let Jake go without any consideration for the workload.
You have your current assignments and are "Full".
Do not ASK management what is a priority. Put it like this:
When your boss says "Yuropoor, I want you to take over these duties from Jake's workload" respond like this.
Sure thing boss. I'm full up right now. I can bump the widget project, the canard project, or the left-handed spanner project. Which one gets dropped so I can work on Jake's popcorn-flavored flapjack project?
When the boss pushes back and says, "They're all important", say
I understand that boss, which is exactly why I am letting you know that one of them is going to need to get bumped. I have no free time left. Which one should I let drop.
If he still refuses, follow up with an email.
Hi boss, as per our discussion on the floor today, I am concerned about the lack of resources and our ability to finish projects on time. As already hard pressed to complete the projects I am working on, I need to know which one I should put on the back burner in favor of the workload Jake was handling.
This was obviously a bad management decision and you need to protect yourself sosee to it that you are not the next one out the door due to some scapegoating. Protect yourself with a paper trail like this and then update your resume and start looking elsewhere. This is not a healthy work environment.
Protect yourself with a paper trail like this and then update your resume and start looking elsewhere. This is not a healthy work environment.