I worked as a software engineer in a big internet company for 7 years in total. For For the first 6 years , I had been working at the department of desktop applications. I I really loved working there. Really enjoyed the technology and the people atin the department.
Unfortunately the department was closed a year ago. During that time, Mymy company bought a small start-up that specialized in mobile applications. Upper management decided that I should be assigned to work in that start-up as a part of the team. I had never worked before with mobile and it was totally new to me.
After two/three months , I realized that I wasn't interested/content with that job. In In addition, toI was being constantly micromanaged by the new boss. Throughout that time , I wanted to find a new job but the current gig depleted most of my energy and my time. Also , due to personal circumstances(mortgage and etc.), I hadn'tdidn't quit and continued to work for a year in total. In the beginning of mayMay, I got fired.
I know that similar questions were already asked here but I think every situation might be different.
Question: How should iI answer the question why did i leaveI left my last company after 7 years of work?