I accepted what I thought was a "contract" position about a year ago but quickly learned that the expectation was to be a Full Time Employee without benefits. Here's what I mean:
The manager talks A LOT. I feel like she overshares about herself and even tries to speak for her Team Members and it is beyond challenging for me because she expects (forces) us to be the same way.
As an introvert (in a creative role), I often need time to "sit" with information to process it. I like to think before speaking and am perfectly fine with using the least amount of words needed to communicate (especially when talking).
Needless to say, I am CONSTANTLY reprimanded by this manager (in private messages during our weekly update calls) stating "Your answer is too short" "You appear disinterested" "You need to give a shout out", etc. Be aware that I'm not completely mute during these meetings, but my communication is very succinct. I often show reactions and place GIFs in the chat, but it's not good enough.
She's even gone as far as to tell the group how she THINKS my weekend went when I respond that I didn't do much over the weekend (why is it anyone's business?), and the information she shares is often WRONG.
I'm not going to renew this contract once it ends, but it's to a point that the meetings actually cause me PHYSICAL anxiety and are just miserable. Any tips on how to endure these last ten weeks?
Thanks for the responses and the varying perspectives everyone. I've had conversations with the manager about this, and it has gone nowhere.
I have prepared in the past (actually wrote out an answer and read it) and the manager private messaged me that I sounded "rehearsed", so I don't think I'll win here.
It's sad that "cultural fit" is still a "thing" with contractors. I contract in an effort to avoid politics and "forced fun". I do think it's only a matter of time before this type of behavior gets legal attention, but in the meantime, I'll grit and bear it (and take meds to combat the physical manifestations of the anxiety this is causing... my hair will grow back).