I am a contractor, and I have just been offered full time employment at my current workplace. My day-to-day would change very little, but I would be put under another a manager who is a peer of my current manager. This is for business and organizational reasons that make complete sense.
But I don't really like the guy. He operates with a different working style and ethics than I do. I can be happy working here, and working with him, but I see a lot of conflicts in our future if I work for him.
I want to explain that I am happy to accept the position, but I would rather not be placed under him. I have always been polite and professional with him as I aim to be with everyone, so this will be surprising to everyone involved. I am concerned that personal reasons by definition are not professional reasons, and that even if I am given what I want I will still have to work with the guy so tact is necessary here.
How can I professionally explain that I would be happy to accept a position if it isn't under the single manager that makes the most business sense, for purely personal reasons?