You have ample time to prepare, so there is no need for panic (yet)
The country of India has currently recorded 73 cases and 1 death (died this morning, a 73-y/o man) and has a population of 1.339 billion, meaning (1 / 1 339 000 000) * 73 =
0.00000545% of the population has the coronavirus. That's an insanely low number (for the moment). This means your company has ample time to prepare if things would heat up in your country.
Use a practical approach to persuade your managers/boss.
I've convinced my own employer and manager to take action quite early on; every day at lunch since January I gave my co-workers and boss an update on economic implications, how the virus works and the effects it has on our partners and us (our partners are dependent on Chinese exports, so it happened quite early). So when Corona hit my country the Netherlands, and the city where I work and the city where I live, the boss had already taken action. The workplace got sanitized, the boss held back investments so the money can be used to keep operations going and ensure operations wouldn't be shut down due to potential quarantine measures.
You can do something similar. Be practical. Use the economic argument to convince your boss, not a moral argument. If the Indian government or the local governments set up quarantine measures (work from home, shut down schools, prevent people from travelling between cities, etc) it will have unfortunate implications on your company. And there is nothing your boss can do about it. There are already many examples of companies suffering the full brunt of the quarantines that are likely similar to what your company will experience soon. Compile it and try to present that to your manager so they will take precautions (hand sanitizer, working from home, etc) before Corona will hit where you live in force.
tl;dr Having a sick workforce or employees having to deal with sick family members will hurt your company financially. That is a great way to give people incentive to act.
Edit: no, I am not saying it cannot go bad in India. What I'm saying is that OP, his family, his co-workers and his boss have more than enough time to get preparations underway.