I am having trouble finding a job that I feel suits me well. I rarely feel miserable in my job but after about a year or two I feel bored or complacent and want to move to another job even if it is a lateral move with in the same company. My age is 27 and my job history is 1.5 years of fast food, then 6 month selling knives door to door, then a Styrofoam factory for 5 year, then Walmart for 6 months, then a call center for 1 year and now a java developer for a year and is my current job.
I feel like the job I am looking for doesn't exist. The only way I can really describe it is I am looking for a job that has an ever changing problem. Like I am the guy at the company that gets presented a problem and it is my job to focus on resolving the issue. Once complete I am presented with another issue. That sounds really enjoyable to me but I have yet been able to find anything that sounds like that. What would you guys advise I look for?