The startup where I am involved as a co-founder (no salary, I work on Saturdays for them) is pressing me to go part time in my current job I current have. I need to apply for a part time job in my current company, but I would prefer to retain part time rather than quitting as it is not unusual for a startup to fail. I am not exceptional employee, but do my work well enough and my experience with things specific for the company may motivate them to keep me.
The obvious approaches are:
- Ask for the part time job, not explaining why, and say "reasons personal" if directly asked.
- Tell some reason that may be remotely relevant but is actually not the main reason. Do not tell about the startup.
- Tell them about the startup.
- Tell about the startup and explain reasons why I want to leave.
Which of this approaches is the most professional and may most likely result in the goal I prefer, obtaining the part time job without the need to quit completely?