I'm a recent graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering. I've worked as a research assistant for 3 out of my 4 years at the University, and in my final year of research, several media outlets became interested in my work. The attention began to snowball, and in the matter of a few weeks I had several radio interviews and news paper articles done about me and my research. Even my University began to feature me in several of their official recruitment brochures/documents.
I am now applying to several jobs and I am not entirely sure how/if I should mention the media attention I received in a CV. I would hope mentioning it would validate the quality and meaningfulness of my work, and speak to my ability to generate broad interest in my work among the public.
Is this the sort of thing that belongs in a technical resume, or does it come off as slightly unprofessional? Is it something that I include in a cover letter instead? Or do I not mention it at all and hope a hiring manager Googles my name at some point during the process and finds the stories organically.