I am working for an offshore services company but doing a role as an Onsite coordinator and Analyst for a 12 member team but being onsite. The offshore project manager was an ex-QA for the same project; and when he was onsite, he was either spending time going around the city or staying at his hotel-watching TV but passing on his work to offshore QA. The only thing he was doing is sending mails to team, related or unrelated just to pretend that he is working. Now the project went haywire, we lost about 50% of developers who did 99% of work and the senior management is closely monitoring the situation. Myself and the offshore project manager are both reporting to a senior person (read authoritarian) in the company.
The offshore project manager convinced this manager that he is doing all the work, and also when he was onsite, he did not even have 1-2 hours of onsite coordination work. Added that he did an excellent job doing a QA. (The fact is he was onsite at the best time, where he was actually survived because of the good developers that time) This perception is strongly carried over to me. The senior manager having this prejudice, everyday sends a mail asking for how I spent my time. I am really spending time testing for Acceptance testing, doing analysis and coordination work, mail clarifications - hardly having any time left over, often working overtime to avoid more people pointing fingers furthermore.
Moreover things unfortunately work against me - if there are any requirements related gap, the offshore team just points fingers to me that requirements aren't clear 'completely' and uses that as a scapegoat and slack. So now at this situation the senior manager with all these data behaves very rude at me, often sending direct slandering mails, micromanaging and asking how I spent every minute. Its also tough to explain him that a particular discussion took 30 minutes, as he is not here and imagining that that discussion at all did not happen. Even if I provide the details, he does not believe. When I send a mail to talk 1x1 he just says, "This is not an urgent thing and we will do later, work on getting requirements proper etc." kind of mails. Its very tough to keep defending on a daily basis, and my mind gets blocked; my morale gets down day-by-day. How do I handle this situation? I am not in a position to quit, though would be unfortunate if that would be your best suggestion.