So I started a new IT job just over a week ago. The interview went great, I met the people I would be "working" with and reporting to. At the time, they had a contractor in that was doing all of their IT work, and from the way they spoke in the interview, it sounded like I would be working with the contractor for a short period of time sort of as a hand off. I am the ONLY IT support for the entire company.
Well, first day on the job, I walk in, she introduces me to the office members, sits me down at my desk and says "Let me know if you have any questions" and proceeds to her desk. To this day, I still never received any kind of formal training, 90% of the questions that I ask are responded to with a smile and a "I don't know".
Without going into too much detail, this job is a complete 180 from how they presented it in the interview. The company is completely unorganized, I don't have passwords to anything, I had to setup all of my own accounts, and I have no one to go to for questions since she will not bring the previous contractor in, since they will have to pay for it.
Back on the main topic, I am currently searching for a new job, after one week. I already went through the process of seeing if my old position was still available, but my boss had already found a replacement that would be starting soon.
So my question is, do I list this job on my resume, and how do I present it so it doesn't seem like I am just hopping around? My other jobs have been in place for about a year plus, as one was an internship and the other was a contract.