I was considering applying for a job which says
Please do not send a Microsoft Word document or other attachment with your email. If you have your résumé in Word or some other word processor, please paste the contents into a plain text email. If your résumé is online, then please include the URL.
I would prefer to give them a link to my formatted resume over pasting it in a plain-text email, however my resume is currently in Google Drive, and I am not sure if sharing a link to a Google Document would be considered professional or not.
Is it okay to share your resume with a potential employer by giving them the link to a Google Document if they specifically request a link to your Resume instead of an attachment?
I'm not sure if it makes a difference or not, but I believe they are a more laid back company based on the following quote on their careers site:
Applicants should be familiar with either handling a Redeemer in close quarters or proper tactical support operations while assaulting a Titan.
Thanks for the replies so far and I will take them into consideration for this job opening, however I am specifically looking to find out if a Google Document is an appropriate way to share your resume online, such as linking to it from within an email, and would like an answer addressing that specifically.