At my workplace, the organization is based on 2 levels: on-site, and company as a whole.
This situation involves me, manager Bob and manager Steve.
If we take into account the global employee structure, I report to Steve. Bob also reports to Steve, and at least on paper me and Bob are on equal level. However, according to on-site organization, Bob is a site-level manager of my department and I am reporting to him.
Steve handles my performance reviews, has a final say on my project assignments, signes my holiday forms etc. Bob handles every day task assignments, has the authority (from Steve) to sign my flex-time or short time-off, has a say in what i'm supposed to do (although he can be overriden by Steve).
Now, I received an offer to work elsewhere and so I will be handing in my resignation. Who do I hand it to so that I won't cause any misunderstandings? Do I set up a meeting with Steve, Bob, both of them, at the same time, or separately?
I don't want to cause any feelings of "why wasn't I informed first?" or "why did you inform X without my authorization?".