Currently, I am "Senior SE" in a manufacturing equipment company. I do C#,WCF WPF, C(PLC) for desktop and to control hardware. Previously exposed to C++, ABAP, Java etc. But not in depth. I am like jack of all trades knowing about different electrical electronic hardwares and SW components just to certain extent to maintain and fix bugs. I have a major in EEE and masters specialization in automation and control( Robotics, neural networks etc) with a dissertation on machine learning related stuff.
My current issues are 1. " My kind of job is very limited". It is not every city. 2. Pay is not good.
So, I am thinking to change to machine learning with online courses and project since I have some project and academic knowledge on that. My other choice is to go in to web but it will not be a wise decision with my current experience.
Did somebody experienced something like this in their career? Please share if you have any perspective on this