My company doesn't have that many developers. THere is just one lead who manages 18 of us in a company with a total white collar workforce of maybe 70. Salary is also limited to increases of just 3% a year. Basically, if you want to advance, you need to leave within a two year period. They survive by having good pay at any given experience level, but also have a low average tenure (currently just 10 months) because of the pay and lack of upward mobility.
I joined about a year ago ago and am thinking about my future as I learn all this information about low tenure and few increases. Waiting to become lead isn't an option as the current lead is someone who would have a hard time moving to an equivalent job because of his background. He lacks the traditional cs degree and only his current job title reflects that he does development so he will be there for a long time.
Because much of our work is quite simple and the salary/advancement issue, I want to spend more time developing myself professionally. Conferences, blogs, resume driven development, and all that good stuff. Stuff some node.js into some older projects as a microservice or something.
The problem is, each developer works on their own project or projects. The bus factor for most things is 1 as management wants us to each be responsible for something. When people leave, that makes management irate as then a system is untended for several weeks. As a result, they check our Linkedins regularly to see if they have changed.
What can one do to professionally develop without pissing off the current employeR?