At my company, whenever evaluations are conducted, the Section Managers ask everyone for a list of evaluators to help in creating a summary of that worker's contributions. They ask for 2 - 3 evaluators, at least on of which must be a direct report. Over the past few performance reviews, I gave my direct manager (different from the section manager), my mentor, and someone I work closely with. However, there has been times where my Section Manager does something along the lines of:
"I checked in with a different set of evaluators"
And she doesn't really elaborate more than that. Or she doesn't say it explicitly, but suggests that she talked to people on my team who I did not list as evaluators, implying that her analysis came from people who I did not tell her to look at. This is concerning me and I don't know how to respond to it professionally. Indeed, I don't know why it is even worth me giving evaluators to her. This prompted my question.
Why should I even bother giving my Section Manager a list of evaluators if she forms her feedback from people who I did not list as evaluators?