I'm a senior developer on a project. Because I'm the most senior, I was given the role of an informal dev lead to control and guide the dev team when needed. Apart from that we are doing scrum.
The Product Owner - who's the only person responsible for backlog selection and prioritisation - now told me that I'm burning the dev team down.
The problem is I have 0 impact on what we are working on. Actually, we (meaning the whole team) have already had several discussions with him about him assigning too many points per sprint. I do occasionally point to possible problems with the designed solutions during the review and I do, when needed, point to the need to test when the code that is demoed has not tested - this type of things. But good coding practices is something we agreed to follow at the beginning of the project and I leave it for him to decide what to do with the situation.
What do you do in such situations? I'm not ok with him directing such accusations towards me. He already accused me of something else in the past, which resulted in a not very pleasant discussion with my boss, although I don't think I had done anything wrong.
I could among others:
contact my boss directly, tell them about the accusations and why I don't agree with them and that I find it worrying to receive such "feedback" to preempt the colleague escalating that to my boss
tell the colleague verbally or in writing that I don't accept such accusations
write to the colleague with my boss in cc quoting the accusations and stessing that it's his and only his role to prioritize the backlog
shut up and pretend I didn't hear it
I work in a culture in which escalations happen a lot.