I've been asked to train my newly hired department head, and it feels a bit like being stuck between a rock and hard place.
Basically I'm expected to train my direct superior, which occasionally requires me to tell him what needs to be done and worse still correct him when he has done it poorly...
He doesn't have any experience in this field and has little to no management experience, so I find myself in the unpleasant predicament of needing to correct him on a regular basis.
I've tried to take my concerns up the chain of command and have the higher management give corrections when needed, but they didn't what to intervene and circumvent the new manager's authority. To state the obvious it feels like every time I correct him I'm forced to circumvent his authority and possibly even be, in the long run, causing him to resent me.
What would be an appropriate way to get the new manager up to par without putting my own job at risk?