My boss is not a good supervisor. Even though I am the manager in the practice, she treats me like a servant- from typing all her emails daily, calling her phone carrier to demand waiving of additional charges from her personal cell phone bills, to calling the doctor's office to get her son's reports, I do it all. Once I delegated such task to one of my employees, and she scolded me over it saying she gave the task to me so I should do it myself. In addition to her tasks, I handle the workload of 5 different practices. Whenever there is an issue in the office (even when I am not at fault), she throws me under the bus to maintain her clean image in front of senior management. When I tried to speak up about it in the past, she made my life worse. She is extremely dependent on me day-in and day-out, and since we both speak the same foreign language, she has a very comfortable relationship with me that exceeds the professional boundary. She almost feels like she owns me and news of my resignation will come as a pure shock to her.
I am already looking for a job and have almost landed another job in a competitor organization. My dilemma is-
- How do I resign in the best possible manner?
- I only want to give her a 2 week notice (I want to get out ASAP), but I know she will demand that I wait for a month to hire and train my replacement completely. How can I avoid this?
PS- her department has the highest turnover rate. Every 2 months staff is leaving and I have to start the hiring process all over again.