I currently work as a game programmer at a startup company in a big city.
I took the job out of desperation. I really hate living in a big city and would like to live in a smaller community of 300k people or less. When you approach 1 million residents you get more jobs but it's not really suitable for raising a family or making close friends with ease. It's also impossible to buy a house. 100k and less and it's still quite a small town. I also hate commuting - it's very difficult to commute when you have small children at home.
I also find the gaming industry to be too intense for me - I like to have days and periods of time where it's not as extreme and I'm not scrambling to get things done all the time.
Which kind of development would you suggest for my preferences?
When I look there are jobs in the smaller communities but are they also going to be as picky because they have less people to chose from?
Would you suggest just scoping out places that are more suitable for living and then check what the companies are doing there?
Does anyone have experience with my situation? I don't necessarily want to stay in game development either. I have only been out of university for 2 years so I'm pretty green.