In some countries like India, the first instance of bonding at the workplace comes from asking questions like "What do your parents do?", "How many children do you have?", and other questions that are pointedly aimed at knowing the minute, private details of a person.
Then there are practices like inviting people, that you have just acquainted yourself, to your home so that they get to know details from your personal life and meet people from your family. Accepting an offer of hospitality is normally expected and rejection for any reason is considered an insult.
The same questions asked to people in countries like, say the US or UK, are a strict no-no at the workplace and vehemently frowned upon since they could be interpreted as sexual advances or being too nosy.
Are there some acceptable topics and behaviours for new employees at the global workplace to acquaint yourself with people without causing a faux pas of sorts? What are the topics/behaviours to avoid?